Puma Potions

How it works:

Handdrawn Skin Care Soap
Black Basic Arrow Right
US Dollar
Black Basic Arrow Right
Mountain Lion icon 5

Research ​saves pumas

You buy ​soap

Profits fund ​our research

Our Mission:

Cougar lying in tall grass

Puma Potions strives ​to create peaceful ​coexistence between ​pumas and people in ​the San Fransisco ​Bay Area

Our Products

Midnight Peppermint

Made with activated charcoal and ​peppermint essential oil.

Summer Citrus

Made with our homegrown orange zest ​and grapefruit essential oil.

Wild Rose

Made with Moroccan clay and rose ​essential oil.

in​ person only


What We Do

Puma Potions works in partnership with ​the Bay Area Puma Project to set up ​wildlife cameras around the Bay Area. ​Trail cameras are a non-invasive way to ​monitor puma populations. Data from ​the trail cameras is used to figure out the ​impact of human activity on wildlife and ​where wildlife crossings should be built​.​

A photo trap on a tree in the forest

Research Process

1. Scout location

2. Set up camera

3. Check footage

Hi! I’m Eliza Low, a high school ​student at Menlo School and the ​founder of Puma Potions. I’ve ​been passionate about wildlife ​conservation for as long as I can ​remember and have been making ​soap for more than eight years. In ​2023, I combined these passions ​to create Puma Potions

Cougar (Felis concolor) walking in woodland Summer, Montana, USA

Portola Valley Farmers ​Market

765 Portola Road,

Portola Valley, CA 94028




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